First Martian Honors! Colonists will have to get used to the new way of life

First Martian Honors! Colonists will have to get used to the new way of life

Canadian astronaut Christopher Hadfield (known for performing the Space Oddity song in zero gravity) onboard the ISS in 2012

Astronauts who go on a long trip to Mars will not be able to maintain a familiar connection with Earth. Therefore, they will have to perceive themselves as Martians, who must learn to survive on a new “native” planet. These thoughts shared the famous Canadian astronaut.

Current forecasts are that people will be able to get to Mars (removed at 400 million km) in the coming decades. But such distances suggest that communication with the Earth will be carried out at a delay of 22 minutes. As a result, astronauts must be sure that they will be able to work alone for 2.5 years.

To this, Canadian astronaut Christopher Hadfield said jokingly: “If I were to play the role of the commander of such a ship, then after the launch I would have assembled a team and said that we are now Martians. It's time to forget about all the earthly things and overestimate the attitude to the home planet. No more bindings, otherwise we will not be the first distant space explorers. ” Hadfield became incredibly popular in 2013, as it led interesting broadcasts from the ISS. The Canadian record for the duration of stay in space remains for Robert Tersky. He believes that after 20 years, mankind will touch Mars. This means that up to this point we will be able to create the first lunar colony. Now in the southwestern US are active research and testing, aimed at the return of people on Earth's satellite.

In the coming months, Canada will launch three satellites, Canadian astronaut David Saint-Jacques will fly to the ISS, and NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission to explore the asteroid will release Canadian sensors.

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