The moon is only 95 million years younger than the solar system.

The moon is only 95 million years younger than the solar system.

Buzz Aldrin's footprint on the lunar surface, left in 1969 in the Apollo 11 mission

In analyzing the material and using simulations of the lunar formation, we managed to find out that our satellite is only 95 million years younger than the entire system.

The simulation included a replication of how all the planets evolved in the system since the creation of the protoplanetary disk. 295 models showed the relationship between a large body blow to the Earth and the amount of material released.

This is a real geological clock that can determine the approximate date of the Earth satellite. Assisted and collected by astronauts of the Apollo mission (1960-1970s) rock samples. The exact date is 95 million years +/- 32 million since the inception of the system.

This analysis also allows you to test the effectiveness of dating methods and derive the best method.

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