The black hole reveals the secrets of the development of small galaxies

The black hole reveals the secrets of the development of small galaxies

Scientists are engaged in solving cosmic mysteries, having obtained evidence that it is supermassive black holes that impede stellar birth in some smaller galaxies. These large black holes exceed the massive massiveness of a million times. Living in the galactic center, they send powerful winds that stop the process of star formation.

These results are important because dwarf galaxies are much larger than larger ones. With their study you can understand the picture of galactic evolution. Stars appear when gas clouds collapse under the pressure of their own gravity. But stars will not be born forever. At one point, this process just turns off. The reason can always be different, but sometimes the culprit is a supermassive black hole.

Such holes can have a powerful effect by heating. They control energy through strong winds. When the wind hits large molecular clouds in which stars form, the gas heats up, preventing a crash.

The black hole reveals the secrets of the development of small galaxies

Comparison of the size of a dwarf galaxy (bottom right) with a large galaxy in the center. Upper inset: a dwarf galaxy overlapped by MaNGA data showing winds from a supermassive black hole Early studies have shown that this process can stop the birth of stars in large galaxies with hundreds of billions of objects. But for dwarf galaxies, a different process was suggested. Scientists believed that large interact through gravity with dwarf systems and pull the gas allocated by the stars.

However, the new analysis clearly demonstrates that dwarf galaxies continue to accumulate gas, which should restart the process of star formation, but does not. This prompted the idea of ​​a supermassive black hole.

The results obtained are important because they potentially affect the understanding of galactic evolution. Usually, the simulation of the formation of galaxies does not include the effect of heating from supermassive black holes in low-mass galaxies.

For observations, the Sloan digital celestial survey was used, as well as MaNGA, which allowed us to compare the processes acting on dwarf galaxies.

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