What will the Moon indicate in the night sky on April 13, 2019

What will the Moon indicate in the night sky on April 13, 2019

On April 13, 2019, we again use the motion of the Moon in the sky to admire beautiful space objects. What will you see?

  1. The Moon and the Cluster of the Manger

What will the Moon indicate in the night sky on April 13, 2019

At a distance of 577 light years from us is a star cluster of the open-type Manger (M44). If you navigate in the starry sky, you can immediately head to the constellation of Cancer. Without the use of magnifying devices, the cluster will seem like a round blur. Located right between the stars Gamma and Delta of Cancer.

But you simplify your search, if around 23:00 just follow the moon. Earth satellite will be located just 0.2 degrees from the cluster of the Manger. It is better to grab a telescope for observation in order to resolve dozens of stars of orange and yellow colors.

  1. Moon and Star Pollux

What will the Moon indicate in the night sky on April 13, 2019

Moving to the territory of the constellation Gemini, in the direction of which is the brightest star of the constellation - Pollux. It is 33.7 light-years distant from us and belongs to the category of orange giants. This is a variable star whose brightness level varies from 1.10m to 1.17m.

On April 13, you will quickly find the star Pollux, since the Moon will pass next to it. Look for a star 7 degrees south of the earth's satellite. On this day, the star gloss level will be + 1.2m.

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