Space Weather Effects

Space Weather Effects

Space weather is shaped by the conditions of the surrounding space environment, which is affected by the activity of our star. Today, many sectors of the European economy may suffer from space weather. This applies to space telecommunications, broadcasting, meteorological services, navigation, as well as electricity distribution and ground communications (especially for northern latitudes).

A significant impact of stellar activity has already felt the navigation satellites, like Galileo. It may also affect aviation, road transport, shipping and other activities depending on location. Negatively, space weather affects orbital satellites. For example, gradually the solar panels on the devices will produce less energy for the mission, reducing the service life. Increasing the level of radiation damages the health of astronauts aboard the ISS and in future flights to other celestial objects.

On Earth, suffers airline staff and sometimes the crew. Periodically, major events destroy and damage electricity distribution networks, increase the effect of pipeline corrosion and radio communication degradation.

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