Chelyabinsk - the sunny city of Russia

Chelyabinsk - the sunny city of Russia

Chelyabinsk is the largest city in Russia. Favorable weather conditions are observed in the region in the summer. This is the most suitable season for a trip to Chelyabinsk. In June-August, dry, warm weather prevails The average annual temperature is +3, 2 ° C. The region’s moderate continental climate is characterized by a long, snowy winter and not hot summer. Chelyabinsk is one of the sunniest cities in Russia. 2066 hours a year the sun shines in this Ural region.

The weather in Chelyabinsk is generally unstable. The main climate-forming factor is the Ural Mountains. The difficult terrain determines the main climatic characteristics of the region. Extended mountain ranges impede the free movement of air masses, which provokes an uneven distribution of precipitation, wind and cloudiness.

The maximum amount of precipitation - 87 mm, falls in July. Total average annual rainfall is 429 mm. Wind speed is 1, 4 m / s. The number of days with calm is 37%. The average annual total cloudiness is 6.4. Air humidity is 73%.

Winter in Chelyabinsk is long and severe. In November, snow cover appears and does not come off until March. Blizzards are often observed - the wind speed reaches 28 m / s. The number of days with blizzards is not less than 30. The winter period is characterized by severe frosts. The temperature of the coldest month is -16 ° C. In 1979, a record minimum was observed - 48, 7 ° C. Spring in Chelyabinsk is warm, but relatively short. Snow comes down only in April. Temperature from +10 ° C is set by mid-May. The weather in the spring days is not stable. Frosts, prolonged rains are possible.

Summer comes in May. Until the middle of June, unstable weather is observed. The hottest time is July. Squal winds are frequent, especially in June-August. The temperature of the hottest summer month is +16 ° C on average. Record temperature maximum +40 ° C, 1952

Autumn is characterized by cloudy weather with lots of cloudy days. The first frosts happen in October - the air temperature is steadily set at below 0 ° C. The weather on autumn days often surprises. Warm days are replaced by a sharp cooling, sometimes long rains come.

2013 gave the residents of Chelyabinsk an amazing natural phenomenon. Lake Sineglazovo in just one night was covered with snow caps of a small size. Snow drifts chaotically spread over the entire surface of the lake. Small and rather unusual drifts dotted the entire area of ​​the frozen lake, which attracted the attention of local residents and scientists. There is an assumption that the creator of this miracle is a small wind, but it is not known for certain how exactly the snow caps were formed.

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