Competent merchandising to attract customers

Competent merchandising to attract customers

Have you ever had a chance when, after visiting a supermarket, you understood that you purchased a lot more than you planned on the list? Sometimes we do not even realize why this or that product appealed to us so much, or why the product layout on the shelves seems so familiar and convenient. And as long as customers do not think about such “trifles”, owners of supermarkets and hypermarkets should pay priority attention to this, if they are dreaming of profits and satisfied buyers. And help in this service merchandising.

Professional marketing is a complex science in which you can not make decisions just by pointing your finger at the sky. The first supermarket appeared in America (Illinois) in 1930. It was a real novelty, which immediately attracted buyers. After all, what could be better than the opportunity to independently examine the goods, touch the products and choose everything you need in the basket. Moreover, at one point you can find everything: from food to various products, tools and even overall furniture. It all depends on the size and direction of the room. However, the presence of a huge amount of goods creates a certain chaos, if you do not understand how to put everything right. But you have noticed that it is easy to navigate in such rooms, and the products are always at hand. All this is the result of skillful marketing, which involved professional merchandising services.

Speaking in simple words, it is about the ability to correctly lay out the goods. That is, it is the choice of location, the combination of grocery shelves, the alternation of names and the correct proximity of products. Who owns this information? These are professional merchandisers. They are specially trained on how to place goods, so that they not only find themselves in the right place for the consumer, but also draw attention to themselves, that is, motivate them to make a purchase.

How does this happen? Here you should consider a huge number of different tricks and rules. For example, you may have noticed that cigarettes are at eye level for adult shoppers near cashiers, and sweets and other sweets are located below to motivate children who will turn to parents at the very last moment. In addition, merchandisers take into account the wishes of the owners of the outlet. For example, you have a certain product that you need to focus on, or you want to increase sales with the help of a promotion. By choosing the right place, location level and window dressing, you can significantly increase the number of products sold. It is practically impossible to do such a colossal work on your own, because you do not have all the necessary knowledge. The employee of the agency from whom you order the service is familiar with human psychology and knows how consumers behave. It takes into account the parameters of the premises, the number of items of goods, the number of employees and consultants. With it, you can choose the eye-catching color for a banner or price tags with shares, which will allow to attract customers more.

Order the service of placing and displaying goods and then you will notice how the profit grows. In addition, it is a huge bonus for customers who will become much easier to find the right product on the shelves.

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