Lunar Eclipse August 7, 2017: What will it bring and when will it begin

Lunar Eclipse August 7, 2017: What will it bring and when will it begin

On August 7, a partial lunar eclipse event is expected. Astrologers attach great importance to it, as it falls on the crossing Aquarius-Leo. That is, while the Sun is in Aquarius, the Moon will take the place of Leo.

Experts tracked the balance of air and fire. It turns out that both celestial objects will create a harmonious relationship with the dwelling in Sagittarius Saturn and Jupiter in Libra. Astrologers believe that this situation promises a favorable solution to all problems that arose during the event.

During the eclipse, you can enter a new momentous stage. Many will forget about past mistakes and failures and will be able to look into the future fearlessly. There is quite a good combination here. Aquarius is resourceful, and Leo symbolizes creativity. From Saturn we get a pragmatic attitude to the problems, and Jupiter will bestow optimism. That is, there will be a real chance to realize oneself and finally feel the inner liberation.

Lunar Eclipse August 7, 2017: What will it bring and when will it begin

Lunar eclipse from April 14 - 15, 2014

Lunar Eclipse August 7, 2017: Time for the cities of Russia

The event of a partial eclipse can be observed throughout the country. Not only lucky residents of Kamchatka and Chukotka, where it will dawn, and the moon will hide behind the horizon line. The exact time is 20:24 - 22:29. The moon will plunge its southern edge into a part of the disk for almost 2 hours. In Moscow, observation can begin one hour before the peak of the eclipse.

The satellite will rise above the southeastern side and will fully dwell in the Earth's penumbra. At 20:24 will begin the process of entering the shadow. Although it will be set low, scientists guarantee a magnificent spectacle: gradual staining in blood red.

Lunar Eclipse August 7, 2017: What will it bring and when will it begin

Features of a lunar eclipse on August 7

The event of August 7 falls on the Full Moon period. That is, it is important to understand that all the negative moments not only will not disappear, but also increase their impact.

Of course, there are positive moments, but they are fewer.

First of all, at this moment the influence of Aquarius will be maximum. Therefore, you can afford to buy something expensive or important to yourself.

Any changes in the workplace or at home will have a very positive effect. If a lot of unnecessary things have accumulated, then finally carry out a thorough cleaning. You can rearrange the furniture.

All new things will go easy and fun. But do not try to hit the jackpot if you have just started doing something. It is better to postpone it and return to the previous project.

But one does not need to be excessively wary, since an eclipse still guarantees many possibilities.

Lunar Eclipse August 7, 2017: What will it bring and when will it begin

Schematic representation of a lunar eclipse

Do not forget about the possible negative sides.

Try on August 7 not to spend all your strength solely on one thing. This is a dangerous time, so it only saves dynamism. No need to rest all day, but work 24 hours a day is the same. Find a middle ground.

Get ready for quarrels, because the surrounding flare up like matches. Conflicts and misunderstandings are born literally from scratch. And stab in the back expect from those who help more often. Everyone will try to crush the prestige, but you must continue to listen to your own music.

You will feel a strong desire to avenge or annoy someone. Do not give in, otherwise break the surrounding harmony.

It is important not to get excited. Full moon confuses thoughts and deprives of logic. You will begin to see negative where it is not. Therefore, keep calm and carefully weigh each decision.

It is better to abandon physical activity during the day. If you play sports, then set aside everything for the evening. But the water treatments and walks will benefit.

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