Destroy the Earth in three stages

Destroy the Earth in three stages

Mad scientists for centuries dreamed of keeping the whole world in fear and terror, threatening to destroy the Earth. However, erasing an entire planet is a difficult task, so you should familiarize yourself with the rules and stages.

The easiest way is to wind back time, to end up in the Stone Age, and send plague to distant ancestors. Or, launch an advanced nanomachine and completely destroy the entire biosphere. This way you will get rid of life, but the rotating stone will continue to stand still. Let's get to the question seriously.

Step one: perform calculations

Earth is held intact due to its own gravity. Think of the planet as a massive stone bulb. The gravity of the inner core holds the next layer, etc. The process repeats until all the earthly power (5.972 x 10 24 kg) keeps you in place and attracts a thin atmospheric layer.

If you decide to blow up the Earth, you will have to pull it out one layer at a time. We need to run every pebble, a piece of dirt and molten magma into space. And this should be done not for a while, but to make sure that you have destroyed any hint of gravitational contact between the elements. In fact, you need to do this to avoid speed. It is extremely difficult, because we use large rockets to throw only a few tons of metal into orbit. But do not worry. As soon as you start the movement, it will become easier. With every kilogram launched into space, you weaken the gravitational contact. It remains only to pack the iron core and send it along. The whole process is summarized by a convenient equation linking energy (to destroy the planet) with the mass and radius of the Earth. For our world we need about 10 32 joules.

Step two: look for an energy source

Well, this is a lot of energy. For you to understand, in 2013, all of humanity consumed only 10 20 joules of energy to power all possible mechanisms on the planet. So, if you collect all the energy generated by our nuclear power plants, hydro, coal, wind power plants and solar panels, you will have to wait a trillion years.

Yeah, too long. We need another plan, especially since there is a promising source not far from us - the Sun. It will burn in 5 billion years and cope without our help. This is a bright and large star. Every second, it transforms about 4 million hydrogen to helium, releasing energy in the form of radiation. The radiation breaks out and is in space. Most are simply sprayed in space without touching the Earth. So you need to use this stock in full. How to do it?

Third step: wait

You need to try and cover the entire earth with solar panels. Then the planet will begin to absorb 100% stellar radiation. And you have to wait for some ... 18 million years to gain enough energy for destruction. Yes, it is better than a trillion years, but still long.

Is it possible to capture all the solar energy? If so, it would take only one week. Then sit down for the invention of such a device and can put forward the conditions for all of humanity. Although, if you are so smart and inventive, then why waste time? You can always create an advanced spacecraft and go explore the Universe.

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