Mapping the nearest Universe

Mapping the nearest Universe

Distances between objects within the Universe can vary greatly. For example, the nearest star Proxima Centauri is separated by 4.2 light years, and for some galaxies it is 13 billion light years.

The ESO 376-16 Galaxy is located 23 million light years away. This remoteness does not seem so significant. But despite this, we have a minimum of information about it. Researchers are still trying to deduce the main characteristics, including morphology.

Based on appearance and features, galaxies are divided into spiral (Milky Way - flattened disc part and curved sleeves) and irregular (they do not have a clear structure and more chaotic). ESO 376-16 is a late form of a spiral or a dwarf irregular galaxy. But we still have to study it in order to create a three-dimensional map of the approximate galaxies. Scientists use the Hubble telescope to measure the brightness of red stars. Next, they transfer the model to the nearest space.

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