How did Herschel reveal the secrets of star formation?

How did Herschel reveal the secrets of star formation?

Overview of the Herschel W3 / W4 / W5 Complex

For almost 4 years, the Herschel Observatory explored the starry sky in search of the radiance of cool cosmic dust. This helped for the first time to look at the star cocoons and figure out exactly how the stars are born and develop.

Stars and planets are constantly emerging from the dense and cold compartments of molecular clouds, where they are formed from gas and dust. The process is circular, so after death they also return the created material back to the space with heavier elements.

Researchers have long known that stars are born with the merging and decay of interstellar material. But the details have always remained unknown. However, the secrets began to be revealed with the launch of the Herschel Space Observatory, functioning in 2009-2013.

Unique Observatory

Very often, discoveries are made immediately after the invention of a new instrument or improvement of the old one.

Creating a telescope allowed to look much deeper into space over the past 4 centuries. Then came the photographic plates, launch vehicles and space telescopes with various filters and a spectrograph. This not only increased the observation range, but also expanded the range of visible objects.

The cooler the body, the greater the wavelength of light, so a review in the far-infrared and submillimeter instruments made it possible to find the most frosty places in the universe. Herschel's 3.5-meter telescope was able to provide incredible observation sensitivity and spatial resolution. With its help, it was possible to fix spatial dust. This is a small but significant component of space. For earthlings, it works like a block that hides interesting distant objects behind it. Herschel became a find, because the dust indicates the presence of interstellar gas, which means it hints at the places where stars are formed. In addition, it had a large spectral coverage, which made it possible to determine the properties of the observed gases.

How did Herschel reveal the secrets of star formation?

Artistic vision of the ship Herschel

The observatory has focused on several important programs. Among them, Gould observed the nearest points of star formation, displaying a scale ring surrounding the Sun at a distance of 1,500 light years. And IR imaging has created a 360-degree view of the galactic plane.

Abundance of threads

The most important discovery is a large-scale filiform network throughout the galaxy. Herschel managed to find them everywhere in the interstellar medium. Some covered only a couple of light years, while others reached hundreds. Surprisingly, some created stars and others did not. Why?

How did Herschel reveal the secrets of star formation?

Herschel's glance at Orion B

It turned out that the threads are not only very common, but also similar in properties. Regardless of the length, they were all the same width - 1/3 of a light year. Most likely, their formation is based on turbulent gas dynamics in interstellar clouds.

Low-mass star formations

Since 2010, it has become clear that threads play an important role in the process of star birth. Scientists began to notice that the threads preceded the appearance of stars. This helped create a new model for the formation of objects, like the Sun. Threads appear due to turbulence in gas movement. In the most dense gravity takes over all the top, the threads lose stability and create lumps. The material inside is compressed and the star is conceived.

How did Herschel reveal the secrets of star formation?

Overview by Herschel Roh Ophiuchius

High-mass star formations

Massive stars are rare, but bright and powerful celestial bodies that affect the environment. For a long time they could not understand how they are created. Their conditions should be very different from the stars of the solar type. Studies indicate that they may appear at the intersection points of the strands.

Dust and gas are sufficient to ensure a stable flow of material. The star grows and turns into a giant. It is also considered that a cluster with similar objects is forming nearby.

New Questions

All studies were conducted on the example of our galaxy. Therefore, scientists are trying to use models in strangers.

How did Herschel reveal the secrets of star formation?

Intensive formation of stars in Westerhound 43

Scientists still have not understood the details of the nature of the filaments, as well as the process of the dynamics of the accretion of matter and how exactly the magnetic fields influence. They expect to get more information in order to form more universal and accurate models working throughout the Universe.

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