The aliens could live with us in the neighborhood! What secrets are hidden in the lunar past?

The aliens could live with us in the neighborhood! What secrets are hidden in the lunar past?

Alien life could inhabit an earth satellite for two separate periods

In a new study, scientists believe that the moon could be inhabited by someone else's life, divided into two periods. If so, that Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin will be forced to give the primacy of visiting the satellite to other "guests" or even true owners.

Today, the Moon is a dusty and uninhabitable place. But experts are convinced that this situation did not always exist. Scientists from Washington State University believe that a certain form of life inhabited the satellite 4 billion years ago, and then returned again 3.5 billion years ago.

Analysis of the moon shows that during these periods large volumes of warm gases were observed, including water vapor, erupting from under the surface. If in the early period the moon had liquid water and atmosphere for long periods, then the surface could become habitable. Researchers think that life on the Moon can happen as well as on Earth. That is, with the help of microbes and microorganisms, delivered by meteorites crashing into the surface. There is also a possibility that lunar microbes could get to Earth in the same way (meteorites) and vice versa. The earliest evidence of terrestrial life dates back to 3.8 billion years ago, when all the planets of the solar system were under meteorite bombardment.

Perhaps microbes could thrive in ponds, until the surface turned into a dry and dead desert. The team believes that future human missions aimed at active lunar exploration will answer these questions.

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