Star Blizzard

Star Blizzard

The Hubble telescope decided to remind us of the upcoming winter holidays and captured the star whirlwind, like a dance of snowflakes.

This is Messier 79 globular cluster, 4000 light-years distant from us. Lives on the territory of the Hare. This kind of clusters holds up to a million stars by its gravity. And the largest have the oldest stars in our galaxy. M79 with a length of 120 light years wide, manages to accommodate 150,000 stars.

The cluster has reached an age of 11.7 billion years. In 1780, he was noticed by Pierre Meschen and reported this to his friend Charles Messier, who added him to the catalog. After 4 years, William Herschel used a more powerful telescope and resolved individual stars.

Sun-shaped stars are marked yellow-white, and red - bright giants, completing their existence. The blue stars are aging objects burning helium in the core.

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