New parts in stars of solar type

New parts in stars of solar type

Scientists studied data from two X-ray telescopes and took a fresh look at a solar star HD 209458.

This is the star of the main G-type sequence, distant by 160 light years. The radius reaches 1.2 solar and 13% more massive. Hot Jupiter rotates around it with an orbital passage of 3.5 days.

It is noted that the star has a rapid speed of revolutions. Ahead of the solar indicator 2 times. But she is not so active and her X-ray spectrum is still arguing. Early observations were made in 2000 and 2006. The researchers decided to collect all the information. HD 209458 serves as an X-ray source. Its coronal temperature mark reaches a million K, and the X-ray luminosity is 1.6 octillion with a range of 0.134–2.48 keV.

When comparing with the characteristics of other stars, it turned out that the coronal data resemble the inactive Sun. And its activity leads to the fact that the mass is lost at a rate of 10 10 g in c -1.

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