Fancy life forms can hide on a huge exoplanet

Fancy life forms can hide on a huge exoplanet

There is a possibility that a dimly lit super-earth Barnard W is capable of supporting life. Here is an artistic vision of the surface of a frozen planet.

Not far from us live rocky, large and cold planet. Revolving around a red dwarf, the world receives X-rays and ultraviolet light, which is enough to destroy any atmosphere. But Barnard's star is much dimmer than the Sun, so the surface is frozen, devoid of water, and therefore not able to sustain life.

However, in a new study it is believed that living organisms may appear on Barnard B. The analysis shows that the planet has enough geothermal activity and on the surface there can be hot spots that provide the necessary conditions for survival.

Unfortunately, the planet is small and far away for telescopic viewing. But scientists know that this is a rocky world that is three times as massive as Earth. It is located at a distance of Mercury from its star. But while it is difficult to prove whether there is an ice surface. The solar system is devoid of super-earth, so it is difficult to say about the presence of a nickel-iron core, a magnetic field and geothermal activity. If all this is present, then heat can flow to the surface, creating subglacial pockets with liquid water, where the basic forms of life will flourish. Such a plot repeats the real situation in Antarctica. Also, this can be found under the solid outer envelope of Europe (Jupiter's satellite).

There is no way to test these assumptions, but more powerful future telescopes will be able to examine the planet. Perhaps one day it will turn out to send a probe there, as planned for Proxima b.

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