What will you see if you fall into a black hole

What will you see if you fall into a black hole

Black holes are not the best place for vacation or space travel. These objects are happy tourists, that's just because of the powerful gravitational capture do not want to let go. It is unlikely that you decide to buy a one-way ticket. But let's find out what you can see if you decide to fly.

You are a real fan of extreme sports, if you want to go into a black hole. These objects are considered the strangest and most unusual in the universe. Their massiveness is so huge that they manage to deform space and time, forcing physicists to grab hold of their heads and invent theories to explain such phenomena.

Suppose that you had the courage and technological devices to get to this monster on your small spaceship. Arriving at the event horizon, you would begin to notice a slight curvature of space around. Then a certain force picked you up and carried you in one direction, like the flow of a river.

What will you see if you fall into a black hole

If you crossed the horizon of events, you can scream, wave your hands, start engines at full power, but you cannot be saved. The black hole grabbed onto you and now will not let go. At the moment of approaching the horizon of events, an interesting process begins, which physicists called spaghettification or the noodle effect. In fact, your body will begin to stretch in length and become flat on the sides. Most of the gravity will be taken to the side that is moving forward (the nose of the ship or the feet of an astronaut in a spacesuit).

In the meantime, you endure slow torment in the form of stretching (some scientists say it is like squeezing toothpaste out of a tube), look around. In theory, you should clearly see the curvature of space.

Take a look back, because starlight will shrink to a tiny point, changing to a blue glow due to gravitational displacement. At the very last moment the dot will turn red, white and blue again. But this is not the most interesting. Falling into a black hole, you must accelerate to the speed of light. The faster you move in space, the slower you move in time.

What will you see if you fall into a black hole

You will notice “things” in front of you that have experienced even greater time dilation. Therefore, if you look ahead, you will see every object that has fallen in the past. If you turn back, you will notice all the objects that were once absorbed by this black hole after you. In fact, you will have the opportunity to see the entire life history of a particular black hole. However, this is only a theory. Researchers believe that even during the spaghettification period, your brain will disintegrate into atoms almost instantly. So you can not see anything. By the way, if you want to survive anyway, then you are advised to choose supermassive black holes for falling, since it is easier to escape from their event horizon (tidal forces are weaker).

Some believe that black holes can serve as portals that will take you to another Universe or even throw it away in your outer space, but at a different time. And you can achieve this if you correctly use the gravitational singularity. But to get to it, you will have to go through the event horizon. Since we have not had a single living witness, we have to rely on the theory.

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