Jets and Bars

Jets and Bars

The Hubble Broadband Camera 3 of the telescope received an amazing view of the distant universe, where the Abell 2537 galactic cluster is hiding.

Such formations have thousands of galaxies of all ages, scale and shapes. If you take the total, then the size will exceed the Milky Way a thousand times. These groups are the largest spatial structures held by their gravity.

Clusters are often used in the study, because with their help it is much easier to consider the characteristics of dark matter and dark energy (determines the universal geometry). Abell 2537 is filled with such a huge amount of material that the gravity of a cluster noticeably distorts its surroundings — changes space and time, causing the light to move along distorted routes. This phenomenon is called lensing, and it helps to view objects behind the cluster. The Abell 2537 is an extremely effective lens, as indicated by the elongated jets and lines. Blurred shapes in the frame - distorted light of galaxies. The image is included in the program RELICS.

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