More details on the formation of black holes and galaxies

More details on the formation of black holes and galaxies

Stars that form in galaxies appear to be under the influence of a supermassive black hole hiding in the center. But the process of exposure itself remains a mystery. The new study decided to study the energy surrounding the powerful winds created by a supermassive black hole (quasar) in the center of 3C 298, distant by 9.3 billion light years.

Researchers consider holes in the earliest space when growth continues due to the large amount of gaseous material. The holes themselves do not emit light, but heat the absorbed material.

The analysis showed that winds exploding throughout the galaxy affecting stellar growth. Neighboring galaxies clearly demonstrate that the galactic mass is closely related to the massiveness of supermassive black holes. But the data show that 3C 298 does not fall into this standard ratio. It turns out that in the early universe 3C 298 is 100 times less massive than it should be. This means that the mass of a supermassive black hole is set long before the galactic one, and the energy of a quasar can control the growth of a whole galaxy. For the study, the Keck Observatory's OSIRIS tool was used, as well as its advanced adaptive optics (AO) system. Not done without the possibility of ALMA (Chile), capable of tracking millimeter wavelengths.

But there is still a lot of work. Before you, only the first information from a larger study of distant quasars and the influence of their energy on star formation and galactic growth.

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